I have been away from LTAR but not for long. As always, there is so much going on. The incident with Prof. Gates coupled with Pres. Obama's comment, which I believe was misconstrued, is getting sorted
out by the President as I write. Hopefully President Obama will prevent even greater manipulations of race from taking place this week. Good luck President Obama!
But I have noticed something else which is bothering me and wonder if you have too? Many journalist's are referring to President Obama as Mr. Obama. Once chosen to comment or ask their press questions during a televised conference, they often say, "Yes, sir?" Is that the appropriate protocal? Isn't President Obama the way - the only way the President of the United States should be addressed?
On many news programs reporters are also doing this, especially those in the local news stations. I find this deeply disturbing and wonder at how one can make the same mistake several times over with no one in these stations stepping up and correcting them? Is it a conscious or subconscious omission on their part? Is it too hard for them to say "President Obama"?
I just wonder as I do not remember that being the case with other presidents.
You may know more about it than I do. I'd like to know what you think.
Racially-speaking my blog is about day-to-day experiences with racism and how we deal with them. It may be time to record who says what, when and where and start to send emails to the stations asking for a review of the proper greeting the President of the U.S.A is supposed to be getting. Exactly how one in the business and on the air is supposed to be referencing the President
while discussing the President with their associates needs to be corrected.
On another note , this week I came to the realization that empathy in intimate relations with one another is key in my relationships. But it is as important to receive empathy as it is to give it away, otherwise what is the point?
What do we have to offer one another as we struggle for racial equality together, if we do so without being empathetic to one another's experiences? We all know that relationships often dissolve when there is no equality within them. But what constitutes equality in your relationships? I had begun re-evaluating what I believe constitutes equality in mine these past few weeks, and have made the necessary changes in my life to be sure there is a balance in my relationships, a give and take I can rely upon.
Let me know what you consider to be most important to you regarding the issues I have presented here today and thanks so much for your time.